The problem of thyroid is quite common and mostly affects the people of age 30 to 50 years old. Also, more females suffer from the problem of thyroid in comparison to male. Thyroid is a gland that is in a butterfly structure and produces thyroid hormones. Due to some medical reasons, the gland stops producing the thyroid hormones, and the various health-related problem occurs. A person needs to visit an ENT doctor for the appropriate health checkup. Let’s understand more about the type and symptoms of Thyroid disease:
Cause Of Thyroid Disease:
There could be a different type of hypothyroidism that occurs in the human body. However, the main reason for hypothyroidism is the overproduction of thyroid hormone. The condition of hypothyroidism is differentiated as followings:
Grave’s disease: This situation occurs when the production of hormones is too much.
Toxic Adenomas: Nodule that represents the growth of abnormal tissue, develop in the thyroid gland and begin to secrete thyroid hormones and affect the body’s chemical balance.
Ways to Cure theProblem of Hypothyroidism:
Excess weight gain is the first and common symptoms that indicate the problem of thyroid. If the issue of weight gain persist for long, seeing an ENT specialist becomes necessary. ENT specialist performs the essential diagnoses and prescribes the suitable meditation for the cure.
Standard treatment of hypothyroid is taking daily thyroid hormone as the gland is unable to produce enough thyroid hormones. Some natural remedies can also be adopted daily to minimize the problem of hypothyroidism.
Sugar Free diet: Sugar and processed food often lead to increasing the inflammation in the body, which eventually worsens the situation of thyroid. Taking sugar free diet controls the problem of the thyroid to expand further.
Vitamin B: Vitamin B-12 plays a crucial role in maintaining your thyroid condition. So, it is usually advised by the specialist to take a vitamin B-12 supplement to fix the damage of thyroid gland. Some food products like peas, asparagus, sesame seeds, cheese, milk, and egg are rich sources of vitamin B-12.
The problem of hypothyroidism is widespread, and it causes due to the daily routine. So involving physical exercise and some healthy diet can save you from a thyroid.
If the problem persists, then a doctor’s visit is a must. You may check the ENT doctors in your city through medical websites like If you are looking ENT doctor in Kolkata, then you can search for the same city and get the expected result. Further, you can select the doctor as per their experience, fee, and rating. Book your appointment online and get your checkup done and maintain your health.