Are you ready to enhance your food photographs and hone your photography skills? He who said that photographing food items is much harder than what it seems was perfectly right! It is arguably one of the most challenging categories of photography. Just as in painting, you start from the scratch; here too, you begin with a blank canvas on which you start building. By proceeding from one layer to another, you finally attain the balance of art and reality.
If you’re a beginner in this realm, you’ll really need to go through the best food photography tips shared by ace food bloggers before you find yourself somewhere there. Here’s sharing some ideas for food photography.
1. Select the right angle
Though there are not many camera angles as long as food photography is concerned but when you choose one, it should be a conscious one. The place you keep the food will have an impact on the kind of story that you’re trying to tell. Think of the shape, size, and height of the food so that you know the place where the camera can click the highlights of that food item.
2. Have a great foreground and background
Yes, you have to surround the subject with the best things. When you use the right foreground and the background, you can tell a better piece of story with your food. The main dish can be surrounded with props and ingredients that are all linked to that specific food. It can be the sauces, the oil used, the ingredients or the utensils that you used while making the food.
3. Natural light is best for food photography
In photography, light is the most important factor. Poor usage of light can spoil your food story almost instantly. Hence, you have to get the few tools to control the kind of light that you want your food to be in. Experts recommend keeping a diffuser between the table and the window, especially when you’re working under direct sunlight. Also soften the dark and hard shadows.
4. Use layers and lines to retain the focus on the subject
Now that you have used all those items for the perfect foreground and background, how are you going to make sure that the audience is focusing only on the subject? Try your oldest techniques of layering and lines. Use the right ingredients to create that layered impact in the images. Photographers often use this compositional strategy to make the audience focus only on the main subject, which is the food.
5. Choose neutral tones of color
You may think it’s nice to have colorful props but these colorful props might grab away the attention. So, when you place the prop items around your food, make sure you choose neutral tones so that the color of the food pops against it. If it’s a bright red strawberry, choose a metal tray that’s black in color because black is the color that amplifies the redness of the strawberries.
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So, if you’re a food photographer and you know others sharing the same passion, share your photography on MeVero. You can also refer your friends and earn money through this app.