Something you could not stop talking about is how much time you will have to maintain your roof. Regarding this, it is indicated that it is performed at least once a year, before the season of greater rainfall. However, if you live in a place that has an environmental condition favorable to the accumulation of waste on the tile, Roof Repair is suggested at least once in every two to three years.
Remember the lines
Now, renewing the paint can be done less often, especially if you use interesting quality paint for toppings. The average interval between one painting and another is between two and three years. In any case, be sure to check to see if everything is right with the roof, its structure and accessories.
Other than that, it never hurts to remember that great care must be taken to avoid accidents. You can hire a professional to perform the service, use safety equipment, avoid stepping directly on the tile and never carry out roof maintenance on your own when the tiles are damp.
Sloping roofs
An inclined house roof has a series of beams with the ends resting on the walls of the house and on a horizontal beam of the ridge. The thin wooden beams are nailed over the beams to support the roof covering. Felt is usually placed under the beams as additional insulation, but some house roofs have thin boards for roof lining beneath the felt.
Natural Slate
Although widely used on old house roofs, natural slate has become very expensive and is currently little used as new roofing material. However, it is often possible to find second-hand slate for small jobs, repairs and replacements. The slate is attached to the roof beams by nails – either through two holes near the end of the slate plate, or by two holes in the middle of the slate plate.
Docking tiles
The concrete tiles that fit are very used on the roofs of modern houses and have yet another method of fixing. There are many types of tile fit and the minimum slope can range from below 20 degrees to about 30 degrees. There are also dock clay tiles for sale, including decorative curved tiles. To make substitution easier, the name and number can be engraved on the back.
Flat tiles
Flat clay tiles are another traditional material, but they are placed differently – each tile has two ears, known as tips on the back that attach to the roof rails. Some tiles are usually nailed four in four rows and in roof tiles, bottom and roof ends. As with slate, each tile covers about two-thirds of the length of tiles underneath – so the amount exposed is about one-third the total length of the tile.