The first and foremost verbal element that deserves special attention is Pronunciation. Pronouncing the words in a correct manner is the base of communicative aspects. Verbal communication totally depends upon pronunciation because in any speech or public activity if words are not pronounced well then no matter how amazing your content is, maybe the message will be delivered incorrectly, and also the impression on the listeners will be bad. It will become impossible to regain attention. Pronunciation is the potential roadway to good communication.
The basic elements of verbal communication are listening and speaking. Listening is more than just hearing and speaking is more than just playing with words. All is the game of paying proper attention to what we are doing. Being attentive and alert is the main key to learning the aspects of verbal communication. Mostly, pronunciation depends upon the sounds, vocabulary words, speaking, and language. These 4 terms are worth giving attention because these are the key component of verbal or oral communication.
There are four types of verbal communication.
1. Intrapersonal communication: This type of communication is limited to us. The silent conversation is an example of intrapersonal communication.
2. Interpersonal communication: Two persons communicating in a clearer manner making one-on-one communication, then it becomes interpersonal communication.
3. Small group communication: When two or more people are involved in the discussion, then it becomes small group communication. The press conference is an example of this type of communication.
4. Public communication: When a large gathering involves and a single person is addressing that gathering then it becomes public communication. Public speaking is an example of public communication. Election campaigns are also considered to be the part of this. Effective communication should be given a lot of attention in small group communication and public communication.
Why does pronunciation matter most in verbal communication?
In verbal communication, when you know how to play with words effectively and correctly then there nothing remains to tell. It is important because;
1. Pronunciation influences communication: Communication is badly influenced by the communicative ability if you’ll try to pronounce the words while speaking. Because if the listener will pay attention to how you’re trying to pronounce words then he will definitely not understand what you want to deliver. That’s why practice pronunciation matters a lot. All the areas of pronunciation should be practiced.
2. Pronunciation represents the speaker: Apart from making it a burden for the listener to understand our words pronunciation and then get the meaning of the word, it also allows the listener to judge you on this basis. This is natural. If you’ll not be up to the mark of a communicator i.e. public speaker or a perfect presenter, then it will affect the skills and also the professional relationships. The more you invest your time in practicing the pronunciation, the more it will be fruitful for you.
Teaching Kids to pronounce the words
Pronunciation for kids have the number of rules but some of the basic steps are mentioned below. At an early age, things are more likely to be considered as the learning material for them. Whatever we tend to teach the kids, they’ll learn effectively and proficiently. Making this a plus point, teach your kids pronunciation more and more. Making your kids master grammar rules and vocabulary words but you haven’t paid attention to the communication skills of kid i.e. pronunciation (most important) then he’ll not be able to interact and communicate with the people effectively.
How to teach kids pronunciation?
Phonemic Awareness Curriculum should be known to you. Teaching kids on the basis of this term will help you out solve different problems. 1. First of all, teach your kid the accurate sounds of the alphabets as it will help in the phonics instruction. 2. After this, teach your kids vowels and the importance of vowels in an English context. 3. Then define consonants to them by making them this term clear. 4. Teach your kids what the notation is. Let them know about quick and quiet sounds e.g. b 5. After your kids know about a notation on sounds, teach them about the continuant (long and loud) sounds. 6. Teach them letter sounds perfect and then move a step forward from letters pronunciation to words pronunciation.
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Just practice over them and make their habit to “listen and repeat” the letters and words.
In the end, I would like to recommend spellQuiz because it is a very efficient and effective tool to use for your children. In exploring this, you’ll not find any difficulty as it is easy-to- use. Also, it has a grading system that keeps you out of the tension i.e. which word group will be specific for my child? What words should my child learn first? Etc. From grade 1 to grade 12, it provides a wide variety of words that makes children efficient in speaking and learning those words and excels in the communication world effectively.