Heartburn is also known by the name of GERD and is a very common condition in kids. This will be a situation that will create the problem of a burning sensation and chest pain in addition to the discomfort associated with the kids. No doubt the occasional episode of heartburn is very much normal but the frequent episodes will affect the appetite, sleep and overall well-being of the kids. So, people need to focus on managing things with simple lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments and medical interventions whenever necessary. Following are the most important tips that you need to know for dealing with heartburn in kids as recommended by the pediatric gastroenterologist Madinaguda:
- It is important to identify the trigger food items: The very first step to managing heartburn in kids is to have a clear idea about the identification of the food items, habits and conditions that are increasing the intensity of heartburn. Common triggers will be the options of spicy food, fatty items of food, fried food, citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, overeating, eating too fast and lying down immediately after eating. So, keeping a food diary to track the symptoms in this particular case will be very important so that everyone will have a clear idea about the trigger in addition to the discomfort.
- It is important to increase the number of small and frequent meals: Eating very large meals will increase the pressure on the stomach which further will be leading the problem of heartburn. Serving these small meals and providing frequent meals instead of three large ones will be very important so that everything will be very well sorted out. Avoiding overheating specifically into dinner will be very important so that everyone will be able to deal with the heartburn very well. It is also very important for the kids to focus on eating the food properly and eating slowly so that things are sorted out. One of the most important tips that you need to take into account is to be very clear about nutritious snacks before bedtime so that nighttime hard ones will be prevented very successfully.
- It is important to avoid eating right before bedtime: Lying down immediately after eating will lead to the problem of heartburn which is the main reason that you need to focus on ensuring that things are very well sorted out and there is no chance of any kind of issues. It is always very vital on the behalf of parents to make sure that kids are eating at least three hours before bedtime and encouraging gentle activity in the form of short walks will be a very good idea before the sleeping time. Also keeping the heads slightly elevated at the time of sleeping will be very important so that the problem of heartburn will be easily eliminated and for this, you can go for using the extra pillow in the cases of kids so that the head will remain elevated at all times.
- It is important to focus on choosing heartburn-friendly food items: Some of the food items that will help provide people with soothing benefits in terms of dealing with heartburn and promoting digestion will be whole grains, fibre food items, fruits like banana melon and apples, vegetables like carrot broccoli and cucumber. Further shifting the focus to low-fat dairy products like yoghurt will be very important so that everyone will be able to remain encouraged in terms of drinking a lot of water instead of acidic juices so that irritation will be eliminated at all times.
- It is important to limit the consumption of spicy and fried food items: The best paediatric gastroenterologist in Madinaguda will be recommending that patients make sure that they are never providing their kids with spicy, fried or acidic food items in normal life because it will be leading to the significant problem of the heartburn. Avoiding spicy food items like chilli and hot sauce will be important and further avoiding food items like chocolate and carbonated drinks will be also very important so that things are sorted out. Introducing the non-acidic food items and observing how your child is reacting to the different food items will be very important so that there is no scope for any kind of issues.
- It is important to maintain a healthy weight: Excessive body weight will also put pressure on the stomach which will make the problem of heartburn very much more intense. Hence encouraging physical activity and a balanced diet in the kids will be very important and for this, you should also focus on avoiding excessive processed food items. Keeping the kids very active with fun exercises like cycling, swimming and playing outdoors will be important because even the lightweight loss will help reduce the symptoms associated with kids due to the problem of heartburn.
- It is important to improve the proper positioning after eating: Sitting and standing upright will be definitely helpful in promoting digestion and further will be helpful in introducing the problem of hard ones. So, the kids need to make sure that they are never lying down immediately after the consumption of meals and encouraging light activities like walking, reading and drawing instead of reclining will be very important so that nighttime episodes of heartburn will be minimised very successfully.
Apart from the points mentioned above it is highly recommended for people to reduce the element of stress and anxiety very well and further remaining in touch with the best pediatric urologists will be highly recommended for people so that things are very well sorted out. In this way, people will be able to promote their well-being very easily and further will be able to ensure that symptoms related to heartburn will be very much manageable without any problem. Proceeding with the right lifestyle adjustments and diet choices will be very much advisable for people so that monitoring of symptoms will be carried out and everybody will be able to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle.